Sunday, May 6, 2007



The goal of Armenian terrorism that has never hesitated to go to such extremes as cold-blooded murder is to make the claims of genocide against Armenians heard and their demands known. The ultimate objective is a "Great Armenia", for which they designed the so called " Four T plan" based on propaganda, recognition, indemnity and land. The intention here is to rehabilitate the world public opinion by making them to accept, through terrorism, the existence of genocide against them, to force Turkey into recognising it, to receive compensation in monetary terms and finally to seize from Turkey the land needed for realising a Great Armenia.
Age: 29
The claims underlying "the Four T Plan" are the following:

The Turks invaded Armenia and seized its land.

They applied a systematic massacre against Armenians since the 1877-1878 war. They resorted to a planned genocide against Armenians from 1915 onward.

Talat Pasha issued secret orders to apply genocide on the Armenians. 1,5 million Armenians lost their lives through genocide.

It is necessary to make a brief study on the claims and the historical developments of Turkish-Armenian relations so as to understand how preposterous the insinuations are and which clandestine interests underlie them
Country: Turkey
Interests and Hobbies: AN OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF MASSACRES BY ARMENIANS were founded by the Armenians. Their targets were lands in the Eastern Anatolia and the union of the Ottoman Armenians. The Armenian committees were provoked for this purpose, first they rioted in 1890 in Erzurum, afterwards they organized the Kumkapi demonstration, Kayseri, Yozgat, Corum and Merzifon events, Sasun revolt, Bab-i Ali / Sublime Porte demonstration, Zeytun and Van revolts, The raid of Osmanli Bankasi / Ottoman Bank, assassination trial to Sultan Abdülhamit, and Adana revolt in 1909. Due to the Armenian oppressions, 100 Turks in Zeytun in 1914, 3.000 Turks in Van events in 1915, and 20.000 Turks lost their lives 1914 — 1915, in Mus Events. Armenians gave the greatest harm to the Turkish people, by the massacring them during the First World War. In this period, the Armenians spied for the Russians, they fled from their military service, by not obeying the mobilisation orders, and those Armenians who were taken under arms joining onto the Russian Army, with their arms, and they thus committed collectively the guilt of being " treacherous to the land ". The Armenian bands that started to attack the Turkish Army and these bands have given great harm to the civilian people, as well. For example, the whole population of the Zeve village of the Van province massacred by the Armenian people without discriminating if they were women, children, or the old.
Movies and Shows: As in the past, there are still some states that are trying to obtain political and economic benefits through the Armenian community. In some countries monuments have been erected to accuse Turks and Turkey of committing a genocide; in others, decisions with the purpose of the recognition of the so called genocide are included on the parliamentary agendas; and even in some other countries these decisions have been approved by the parliaments. These issues, which should have been left to historians are becoming a means of self interest in the hands of ambitious politicians. Ever since the emergence of the Armenian problem, Armenian terrorists have never hesitated to kill and massacre. The aim of these terrorists, who insist on ignoring all the historical facts, is to publicise their claims for the so called Armenian genocide and the demands of Armenians, all over the world. The ultimate goal is "Great Armenia".
Music: THE ARMENIAN TERRORISM Another significant dimension of the Armenian issue from Turkey's point of view is the start of the use of armed terror methods by the Armenians against the Turks. This aggressive strategy which was aimed directly at Turkish statesmen, started with the bombed attack launched in 1905 against Emperor Abdulhamid II. After the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, there was a peaceful period until 1965. In 1965 the terrorist movements suddenly rekindled with the support of the Armenian lobby. Turkish diplomats were killed, nearly 20 monuments were erected until the end of 1972 and a systematic press and publication activity was launched. During the Armenian terror period, it was the traditional Tashnak and Hinchak organisations that designed, developed and implemented the attacks, diversified the targets, provided manpower for the terrorist teams, gave them moral and psychological support and found the necessary contacts for them.. The organisation that made itself known most frequently in this process was the ASALA, the acronym of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia. The creators of the new terror age were the traditional terrorist organisations through the teams and groups that they trained, and the ASALA with the most merciless and inhuman practices under an independence mask. ASALA received its moral and psychological support, and the medium for contacts and relations from Hinchak. It may be stated on the basis of the foregoing that the traditional terror continued without respite, benefited from the occasions offered in the '60s and, making use of the of the opportunities launched a manhunt against Turks. The Armenian terrorist organisations showed a rapid ascent within a relatively short time by armed assaults against the Turkish officials, representations and organisations abroad. During this period, the Armenians who secured themselves bases in Central and Eastern European Countries, and Syria and Lebanon also received help from the Cypriot Greeks and Greece.
Books: 'DÖRT T' PLANI İşin ucunu insanların canına kastetmeye kadar götüren Ermeni terörünün amacı, sözde Ermeni soykırımı iddialarını ve Ermenilerin taleplerini dünya kamuoyuna duyurmaktır. Nihai hedef ise, "Büyük Ermenistan" rüyasıdır. Büyük Ermenistan'a giden yolda atılması gereken en önemli adım, sözde iddialar konusunda kamuoyu oluşturmak ve Türkiye'ye yönelik emelleri gerçekleştirmektir. Bunun için uygulamaya konan ve "Dört T" şeklinde adlandırılabilecek olan plan şu dört kavrama dayanmaktadır: Tanıtım, Tanınma, Tazminat ve Toprak... Yani, sözde Ermeni sorunu tüm dünyada terör yoluyla "tanıtılacak", sözde iddialar dünya kamuoyunca kabul edilip Türkiyece "tanınacak", sözde soykırımdan dolayı Türkiye'den "tazminat" alınacak ve "Büyük Ermenistan" rüyasını gerçekleştirmek için gerekli olan "toprak" Türkiye'den koparılacaktır!... "Dört T" plânına dayanak oluşturan Ermeni iddiaları ise şunlardır: 1. Türkler, Ermenistan'ı işgal ederek Ermenilerin topraklarını ellerinden almışlardır. 2. Türkler, 1877-78 savaşından itibaren Ermenileri sistemli olarak katliama tabi tutmuşlardır. 3. Türkler, 1915 yılından itibaren Ermenileri plânlı şekilde soykırıma tabi tutmuşlardır. 4. Talat Paşa'nın, Ermenilerin soykırıma tabi tutulması konusunda gizli emirleri vardır. 5. Soykırımda hayatlarını kaybeden Ermenilerin sayısı 1,5 milyondur. Bugün, maksatlı olarak gündemde tutulmaya çalışılan sözde Ermeni sorununun ne derece mesnetsiz olduğunu ve ne tür çıkar kaygıları ile ortaya atıldığını daha iyi anlayabilmek için iddiaların ve Türk-Ermeni ilişkilerinin tarihsel gelişimini incelemek gerekmektedir. 24 NİSAN 1915 Rus ve İngiliz kışkırtmaları sonucunda meydana gelen isyan ve katliamlar karşısında Osmanlı hükümeti, herhangi bir önleme başvurmadan önce Ermeni Patriği, Ermeni milletvekilleri ve Ermeni cemaatinin ileri gelenlerine "Ermenilerin Müslümanları arkadan vurmaya ve katletmeye devam etmeleri halinde gerekli önlemleri alacağını" bildirmekle yetinmiştir. Ancak, olaylar durmak yerine giderek yoğunlaşınca, ordunun bir çok cephede savaş halinde bulunması nedeniyle cephe gerisinin emniyete alınması ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Bu maksatla, 24 Nisan 1915 tarihinde Ermeni Komiteleri kapatılarak, yöneticilerinden 2345 kişi devlet aleyhine faaliyette bulunmak suçundan tutuklanmıştır. Osmanlı Hükümeti'nin bu kararı üzerine hareket geçen Eçmiyazin Katalikosu Kevork, ABD Cumhurbaşkanı'na şu telgrafı göndermiştir: "Sayın Başkan, Türk Ermenistanı'ndan aldığımız son haberlere göre, orada katliam başlamış ve organize bir tedhiş Ermeni halkının mevcudiyetini tehlikeye sokmuştur. Bu nazik anda Ekselanslarının ve büyük Amerikan Milletinin asil hislerine hitap ediyor, insaniyet ve Hıristiyanlık inancı adına, büyük Cumhuriyetinizin diplomatik temsilcilikleri vasıtasıyla derhal müdahale ederek, Türk fanatizminin şiddetine terkedilmiş Türkiye'deki halkımın korunmasını rica ediyorum.

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